Hand Tied Hair Extension FAQ and Cost

My hair dreams came true a couple weeks ago when I had some beautiful extensions installed from Nubia at Gold Glam Bar! I had been using clip in extensions for years, but I was ready to have something more permanent. Nubia was so sweet and she was super helpful throughout the whole process since I had so many questions!

Scroll down for all the Hand Tied Hair Extension FAQ and Costs

Hand Tied Hair Extension before and after, FAQ, and Cost Hand Tied Hair Extension FAQ and Cost

Hand Tied Hair Extension FAQ and Cost

Where do you go?
I see Nubia at Gold Glam Bar in Irving TX. She actually owns the salon and also nail bar in the same space! It’s such a cute salon! I went for a consultation first to go over what I was looking for and then also determine the color of extensions to order.

What method did she use?
Nubia used the Handtied Method. This is a great method because it uses minimal points on contact on your hair. Basically a few beads are installed and then a whole weft (basically a strip of hair) is sewn into the hair and beds. I have 2 rows on my head.

What kind of hair did you get?
I got the Bellami Pro Volume Weft Hair extensions in 20″ Length. If you go to Nubia, she will be able to order the hair for you. The color I got was the “Dark Brown/Chestnut Brown #2/#6”. It was a balayage from darker to light, but I ended up changing my mind, so she toned it all darker. We bought 2 bags, but ended up only needing 1 because it was enough, so I was able to return the other! The one bag got me 2 rows (or wefts) of hair. you can do more than that, but it would be a lot of hair! I definitely think 2 wefts is a good amount if you are adding length and volume.

How Long Does it last?
The hair itself should last about 9-12 months depending on how well it is taken care of. Going in every 6-8 weeks for regular maintenance to have the hair moved up will help prolong the life of the hair.

How much is it?
Hair extensions are definitely an investment, but of you take good care of them, then they can last quite a while!
For the 1 bag of 20″ hair and installation, it is $1200. I also got my hair colored and the extensions toned, so that adds another $120. Total is $1320. And then I will have to go in every 6-8 weeks to have them moved up. To move them up, it costs $150/row (I have 2 rows) and then $100 for every row after that (if you get more than 2 rows). Note: The cost will change if you end up using more hair or decide on a different length.

What does it feel like?
The first few days after, it felt a little tight on my head- it kinda felt like I had my clip-in extensions in all day. But once they loosened up, I didn’t feel them at all! I only notice them if I touch my head.

What products do you use on your extensions?
I am currently using all things moroccan oil! I have the shampoo and conditioner, and the Moroccain Oil Treatment is my favorite. It’s an oil that I put on my towel driend hair. And then I will also spray this heat protector on my damp hair as well. A heat protector is a must for extensions.

P.S-If your hair is colored, make sure you stay away form any products that have sulfates in them- this will fade your color!

How often do you wash your hair?
Before extensions I was washing my hair about every 3 days. Now I am washing it every 6-7 days. I find with the extensions, my hair isn’t getting as oily because there is more hair to absorb it. Also, dry shampoo is great and not harmful for extensions, so that helps me go longer between washes. The less you was the extensions, the longer the life of the hair.

Is it hard to wash your hair?
I wouldn’t say it’s hard, but just different. I have to make sure to get the shampoo between the wefts, so sometimes I will clip half my hair up and wash one section at a time.

Can you still put your hair in a pony?
Yes! The first few days I could only do a low pony, but once the extensions loosened up, then I was able to put it in a higher pony. When she installs them, she will also ask you how you part your hair to make sure that the tracks won’t be noticeable.

Is it damaging to your natural hair?
I will have to see how my hair holds up, but this method is one of the least damaging. I’ve heard some girls say extensions were terrible for their hair, and then others who say their natural hair was able to grow better with the extensions. I think there are a lot of factors like type, installation technique, and maintenance that will all play factors in if your hair gets damaged.

Is it worth it?
I’ve only had them for a few weeks, but so far I love them! I wake up and just feel so much better about my hair and its actually less work because it holds curl well and is just nice and full looking. I don’t have to work the hair as much to get a desired look. Even if you have shorter hair, extensions can be great to add volume and not just length.

Can I do it if I have thin hair?
Yes you can get extensions if you have thin hair, but if you have extremely thin hair, then they might use a different method. Nubia said that tape-in extensions are good for people with extremely thin hair.


So I’ve had the extensions in for about 7 months now and I am still loving them! It does take some time to get used to washing your hair differently, and not being able to run your fingers through your hair, but it is worth it! I have been taking good care of my extensions and going for regular move-ups, so they are still in great shape! I am hoping to get a year out of the hair before I have to buy new extensions!

Let me know if you have any other questions! Feel free to DM me on Instagram or email me at myviewinheels.com.

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